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Our mission at the Sacred Garden Foundation is to make an impact on women in need. Our desire is that they would live loved, and be empowered to become the women they were created to be; that their own lives would be changed and they would positively impact those around them.
“Knowing your value and how deeply you are loved is the key to your success.”
— Kristin Tucker Founder and Director

it all started with a dream...
I didn’t set out to look for a non-profit to help woman discover how much they are loved, it found me! In a dream!
At the end of 2019 I was reflecting. I was at the end of another great year working as a worship arts director in a local church. I should have felt filled, but I felt a stirring in my spirit. I had longed for many years to get back to my work in the inner city, but hadn’t known how to do it.
Then one night I had a dream. I’m not talking about one of those, maybe I can remember it kind of dreams. No, this one was BIG! It would be the catalyst for me to find my way back into the inner city, and connect with women in need through coaching and transitional housing. When I woke up I remember feeling that there was NO WAY this was going to happen, but as you can imagine it was already underway.
Now, it would be a lie if I told you I felt a renewed sense of purpose, I didn’t. I was frustrated! At the time I was in “all the time” ministry. I didn’t have time or space in my mind to add anything else. When the dream came to me I felt completely overwhelmed by it!
So I ran it by a friend. Surely she would see the enormity of it and be a voice of reason for me.
And she was just that, a voice of reason. She graciously reminded me that if it’s from God I should pay attention. So we went back to my office and she encouraged me to share ALL of the dream as she wrote it down. Share I did! Two hours later I had the vision, mission, and first five year plan mapped out. I tucked it away and went on with my routine.
Then the world shut down.
2020 was not what any of us expected it to be!
So it was perfect that God used this time to invite me to trust Him. It was time for the dream to begin…
but it was more than just a dream.
It was an invitation. To trust God, and believe that I could build this dream with Him. So I took a leap of faith!
I changed careers in the middle of the pandemic.
Soon I was studying to become a life coach and by the middle of 2020 I had made a complete career change! The Sacred Garden Flourish in Life Coaching program was launched. I thought that I was finished, but the reality was it was only the beginning. Later that same year I opened a non-profit to work with women in crisis and in need. The Sacred Garden Foundation was established.
My yes to what God had invited me to be a part of has turned into so much more than I could have imagined or dreamed. I am all in and committed to the women I am so privileged to serve.
“come meet me in your Sacred Garden.”
— God

How to partner
Partnership- The Sacred Garden Foundation thrives on our partnering with other non-profit and for-profit organizations. We believe in coming together to work smarter together not harder apart. If you serve woman who are ready to invest in themselves but don’t have the means to help themselves we want to work with you and get them the help that they need.
Scholarship/Coaching-The Live a Loved Life Coaching Program is a Scholarship funded program. Since the women we work with are not in a position to pay for private coaching with a certified coach, we have set up scholarships for the coaching fee. We are able to break this out into two six month cycles of coaching. This intensive coaching program, is $1000 a month for each sponsored girl in our program for one year. This covers the fee for an experienced certified life coach to do ‘one on one’ weekly sessions, bi-weekly in person meetings, and to be a sounding board in our young women’s lives. We have found that when our young women have been in our coaching program consistently, at year three, they are able to begin their growth out of a poverty cycle, and into truly thriving in their lives.
The women of Sacred Garden Foundation know the importance of celebrating life’s wins, whether big or small, together. We celebrate each other!
Here’s what’s happening in the garden
Dreaming into our future
Transitional living programs offer skill development while young adults are gaining experience living a successful and independent life!
The future of the Sacred Garden Foundation will include a transitional house for women. This home will be for women in crisis and in need, who find themselves in homelessness.
Research shows that young women who find themselves homeless, without a safe place or space, are at risk for addiction, prostitution, and human trafficking. They are much less likely to have access to education and even basic needs. They are unaware how to access temporary income assistance and are largely uneducated in terms of health, sexual safety and child-raising. Most have not completed high school.
Our Sacred Garden Foundation Home will be a transitional housing solution to help these women get from a life of crisis into a thriving family environment. In this environment they will have opportunities to personally grow by one on one coaching, continued education, and applied life skills. The goal would be for these young women to have a chance to apply what they’ve learned into their future lives.
The Sacred Garden Foundation believes in a hand up, not hand out approach. As the women begin to learn and apply this new way of living in their lives ,they become empowered. It’s from this place of empowerment they will be able to begin positively affecting their world and the world around them.
The requirement for residency in this transitional home starts with a minimum of a one year stay, as well as completing the following expectations. The requirements are as follows:
Completing the “Live a Loved Life Coaching” programs
Completing “Next Steps” in preparation for leaving the home
Completion of the jobs partnership program
Regular participation in home responsibilities
Growing foods from the home garden
The Sacred Garden Foundation plans to collaborate with a job partnership program. This employer would partner with the SGF so that real life challenges can be addressed while still employed. Any income will be direct deposited into a savings account to benefit the young woman at the completion of the program.
We know this is a BIG vision for our future, and we are confident that the even BIGGER God we serve will begin to bring it all together in His time.
In the meantime we do the work in front of us. Championing women to know how very much they are loved, so that they are equipped to live a life they love!

Every woman should have the opportunity to live a loved life.
A life that is grounded in her value as a beloved daughter and grown in the knowledge
that she is more than the sum of her circumstances…she is loved